Apricot Seed Tincture
High in Antioxidants—Anti-inflammatory—Promotes Eye Health—Promotes Heart Health—Promotes Gut Health—Promotes Skin health— Rich in Vitamin B17 (amygdalin) - Lowers Blood Pressure—Acts as an expectorant—Reduces pain caused by arthritis—Reduces Mood Swings– Reduces Bi Polar Episodes and Violent Behavior—Fights Ear Infections—Aids in Muscle Repair and Regrowth—Fights Tiredness and Fatigue—High in Vitamin B15 (Increases Oxygenation of Heart, Brain & Vital Organs) - Acts as Pain Reliever—Apricot seeds contain a phytochemical called amygdalin that is capable of inducing apoptosis and causing cell cycle arrest in C cells.
Please consult your doctor if you are taking Heart medication, High Blood Pressure Medication or are Pregnant or Plan on becoming pregnant
Ingredients: Alcohol and Apricot seed
2 ounce bottle
Locally-crafted, all-natural herbal tincture