Crow Quotes
Medicine Man Crafts

Crow Quotes

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Cover art by noted Pueblo sculptor Virgil Ortiz (

“Two crows, Arty and Blackie, were part of my girlhood, as my family adopted them as chicks and helped them grow over a period of 10 months.  MariJo writes about crows the way I loved my wild crow friends, a kind of love that holds magic and mystery.
Her first edition of Crow Quotes came to me in Wisconsin at a very dark time in my life, right after a divorce. Reading it aloud was the most comforting, stabilizing force.  Crow Quotes was the most unusual book I had ever read, and remains a precious giant book I read aloud, alone, often nightly.
This new updated (and larger) Crow Quotes Revisited is exactly what we need now. MariJo has more and we need more. It’s healing to refill our molecules with beauty and wade into the deep secret lands of the poetry MariJo creates.”
- Trace Hentz (Shawnee-French Canadian-Euro), author of the Lost Children Books Series, co-editor Unraveling the Spreading Cloth of Time with MariJo Moore, and her newest twin book Mental Midgets | Musqonocihte

“We all have crows around us. This is their nature, observing us. Some of us pay more attention to their presence than others do. MariJo remembers her life through crows, her whole life spanning many thousands of years. MariJo invites you in to her wisdom.”

Jim Stevens, writer of Seneca and German heritage.
Author of Book of Big Dog Town, 2013

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